This is a wargame about the Eastern Front during World War Two. You take the role of a senior officer in the Axis or Soviet high command. The Axis command is known as OKH, the Soviet command is known as STAVKA.
Each turn you select one of three plans generated by your staff to recommend to either Hitler or Stalin.
Each plan lists out how much strength to put in the North, Center and Southern fronts, the remainder is held in reserve for next season.
The central front is key and but can be flanked by the northern and southern fronts. Often a massive force aimed at the central front can be defeated by a smaller force if it has flanking advantages in the north or south.
Quite often taking a season to build up a strong reserve as you trade space for time can be very beneficial (if your planning staff come sup with it of course).
Until the Allies land in Normandy in summer of 1944 the Axis player receives a significant reserve boost during the summer. Likewise the Soviet player receives extra reserves during winter.
The Axis win if Moscow and either Leningrad or Stalingrad is captured.
The Soviets win if Berlin is captured.
Both sides reach armistice if neither side has won by Spring 1947.
If a players plan is accepted then the player receives the Glory for the plans results. Glory can be positive or negative.
If the dictator overrules the plan then he takes all the Glory (positive or negative)
What happens to the player is displayed at the bottom of the screen. This fate depends on who wins the war.
If the players side wins the war then the higher the Glory then the better for the player.
if the player loses the war then the lower the glory the better for the player.
Each season the player can choose whether or not to support the party. Fully supporting the part gains 20 Glory, Not fully supporting the party loses 20 glory.
There are multiple ways to control the game.
F1-F4 keys or 1-4 keys or arrow keys up and down or mouse clicking on box selects plans
TAB or left right arrow keys changes "Support the party" toggle.
SPACE or ENTER selects the plan for approval.
BACKSPACE - enters full screen mode
My interest in systems of power within organisations drove this game. Roles such as these high rankings officers are common within many organisations. That of the middle or high ranking executive a couple of rungs from the top. The role has these characteristics
The person does not make plans- (in the game the staff does that)
The person dcomendt not implement the plans - (in the game the soldiers and lower generals do that)
The person does not even have the final say on whether the plan is to be chose - (in the game the dictator does that)
The persons future success is not tied to the success of the organisation - (you can lose the war but win the game)
The persons actions can have massive consequences for others -(in the game this is the war and genocides)
This creates an interactive pattern that the game explores. The person must balance helping the organisation, pleasing the boss and looking out for number 1 while at the same time considering the ethical implications of their actions.
These roles are not fictions. Men such as Adolf Heusinger and Grigory Kulik had dramatically different postwar fates. With Heusinger rising within the ranks of NATO to become its chairman and Kulik being executed by Stalin, even though Huesingers side in WW2 lost and Kuliks side won.
The last factor that impacted the design was an ethical issue. The Eastern Front's military campaign cannot be untangled from the mass deaths which occurred across the area during it. After the war the military of the losing side claimed not to know about the genocides, the winning side had no need to do so. I chose to use this 'turning a blind eye' or not , by the "Fully support the Party?" choice.
Image use: Map from Wikipedia / user Gdrs,Zocky,Markell,Felix116,Foreblast,Mahahaneapneap using the GDL and Creative Commons attribution Sharalike 3.0 licenses. B&W images public domain multiple web sources.
Thanks to, Brett Humble, Chequers from Qt3, Jason Rohrer, Paolo Pedercini,David Sirlin,Maureen McGuire,Chaim Gingold,Ron Carmel,Daniel Kline,RichWilson,Jon Blow,Mike Treanor all the Bay Area game design meet folks, email list folks and kind colleagues who gave me suggestions/inspiration.
Special thanks to the OpenFrameworks team and community.